Chobham Scouts Saturday, February 15th, 2025 
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Welcome to Chobham Scout Group

We have meetings for girls and boys aged from 6-14 years old
based in our Scout Hut at the back of Chobham Recreation Ground.

If you are a girl or boy aged between 6 and 8 years then our Beaver Colony is where
you will make new friends and have fun with lots of exciting activities.
Beavers meet on Thursdays at 5.30pm until 6.30pm.

For girls and boys aged 8 to 10½ Cubs is the section for you.
Our pack currently has a fabulous group of fun-loving Cubs and we are looking forward to welcoming some new Cubs in September.
In the last term we were together, we really enjoyed the discovery of a portable skittle alley in our Scout Hut!  
Cannon Pack meets on Tuesdays at 6pm until 7:30pm.

Both girls and boys aged 10½ to 14 years old can be Scouts.
You don't have to have been a Cub to join Scouts and you will get the chance to enjoy lots of exciting, adventurous activities.
Many Scouts enjoy rock climbing, canoeing, camping but not everything they do is outdoors!
 We have reopened our Scout Troop on Mondays at 6pm until 7:30pm

as we have been lucky to recruit some new Scout Leaders. 

Come and join us!



Adults can join Scouting too!
We currently have Leader, Assistant Leader and committee vacancies (secretary and parent helpers for all troops).
Not only do you get to have loads of fun but Leader and Assistant Leaders children are

guaranteed a place in the relevant section at Chobham Scout Group.


We are always ready to welcome any new adults who are willing to step up and become Leaders,

Assistant Leaders and helpers to enable us to involve more young members.

No experience is needed as full support and training will be provided.

If you, or sombody you know, want to know more about helping as an adult please contact us.


Please click Here to fill in an application form and register your interest in Chobham Scout Group.

What if you would like to help out at meetings just every now and then?
Scouting has a role for you too. It's an Occasional Helper.
If you would like to find out more about joining Chobham Scout group
as an Adult Leader or Helper we would love to hear from you.

Please click Here giving your details and the type of help you would be willing to offer.

Thank you for visiting!